Stonehouse Project - Trinity College, Cambridge

Y11 girls experience life as a Cambridge undergraduate.
Lili, Scarlett, Naomi, Zoe, Natasha and Sarah all got so much out of their week on the Stonehouse Programme at Trinity College,
They had the opportunity to sit in on lectures and live as undergraduate students would. They also worked with with other Year 11 students from across the country on a project of their choosing, conducting research in Cambridge and speaking to Trinity professors. Their presentations were outstanding and Naomi's History group won best overall project for their discussion on "The history of all existing society is the history of class struggles".
Between punting, exploring, working hard and early morning fire alarms they were kept very busy!
Staff at Trinity College were very complimentary and said 'the girls did Buxton Community School and Buxton itself proud. We and all at Trinity College know they now have a better understanding of the amazing opportunities out there for them.'
Oh - and they also won the Stonehouse Programme quiz!
A bit thank you to Ellie and Terri-Leigh at the college, who ran the programme, and to Miss Murray for all her work on this project and for escorting the girls.