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Plans for Monday and Tuesday and the last day of term

Please see below plans for next week

Dear Parent/Carer

Due to the extremely warm weather forecast for Monday and Tuesday we have decided to have these as non uniform days, to enable the students to be as comfortable as possible.  Can we please ask again that you check what your child is wearing to be sure it is suitable for school.  No crop tops or similar beachwear please - they may be sent home to change if their outfit is inappropriate.

Please send your child in with plenty of fluids.  There will be facilities for the students to refill water bottles.  Also, as per our email yesterday, we will be selling ice lollies, so students will need to bring £1 if they would like to buy one (all proceeds to the PTA).  It would also be a good idea to send them in with sunscreen and a hat (particularly if they are one of the students who will be walking down to Pizza Express.)

All students must remember to bring in their equipment and PE kit if they have PE on one of those days.  They can't just do PE in the clothes they are wearing.

The timings for the last day of term (Friday 22nd July) will be as follows: 

  • P1                             normal lessons
  • P2                             normal lessons
  • P3                             tutor groups
  • 12.20-1pm                 lunch
  • 1pm                           Return to tutor groups for registration and a short end of year goodbye with key messages for the summer holidays.
  • 1.15pm                      Home  (if you child needs to stay in school until the normal finish time in order to catch a bus, please contact Sandi Flint on                                            01298 212161.)

I will contact you again next week with an end of term letter.

Kind regards

Craig Yates - Headteacher