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Update from Mr Yates and Early Closure for Open Evening

Dear Parents / Carers

I want to thank you for your support with such a smooth start to the term. The students look great and have come back with a very positive attitude to school. We believe in high expectations and high standards and it plays a fundamental part in securing success for your children. Your support plays a key role and we will contact you if there are any concerns. Please make sure if you have moved, changed telephone numbers or your email address, that you inform us as soon as possible.

Our new Year 7 students have settled in really well and our other year groups have returned focused and ready to learn. Last year’s Year 11 and Year 13 students produced strong exam results in the summer and I hope you will have seen them celebrating their success in the Buxton Advertiser and other local media channels. We have also posted stories and information on our brand new website. We hope you will find it really useful and we have worked very hard to make it easier to use. Please take a look and let us know what you think.

I would also like to give you advance notice of our 2017 Year 7 Open Evening on Thursday 21st September.  We will be closing school a little early at 2.30pm to help us prepare for this very important school event. If your child needs to remain in school until 3.20pm because they are catching a bus, they can go to the Gothic Hall and wait there until it is time to go out for the bus. Many of the students will be helping out in various roles; however, if your child does not have an official role we would appreciate it if you could remind them they must not be on the school site during the evening.  Finally just a quick reminder that the following day, Friday 22nd September, is an INSET day and school will be closed to students for staff training.

Yours sincerely



