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Child Development

Head of Department: Hannah Edwards (

Key Stage 4

Child Development is taught at KS4 as a vocational option or technical award called a Cambridge National. There are two tiers of assessment, these cover all the grades from  Level 2 Distinction* to a  Level 1 pass grade.

This specification aims to attract candidates to study Child Development by offering an interesting and stimulating programme of study. Candidates will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of human needs in a diverse society and to work in a variety of contexts. This includes visits to a local nursery to observe children in a child care setting.

The skills and knowledge acquired will be relevant and transferable to other settings, enhancing career opportunities and providing a satisfying course of study for candidates who may, or may not wish to progress to further study of the subject.
The skills and knowledge acquired will also provide progression to GCE Health and Social Care qualifications.

This course will consist of:

  • RO 57- Written Paper
    1 Hour 15 mins. – 80 Marks – worth 40% of the final grade.
    6-8 compulsory questions comprised of short answer, structured and free response questions. Some questions may include stimulus material.
  • 2 major elements are the Non Exam Assessment, 60% of the course, completed under supervised conditions in lessons. The tasks are released by the board every year.


  • RO58- NEA completed in Year 10

          Creating a safe environment for children
          Completed in the classroom within supervised time – 30% of the final grade.

          This involves 4 tasks.

  1. Researching equipment needed in a Nursery, e.g. feeding equipment
  2. Planning a room within a Nursery, e.g. a changing area
  3. Comparing different formula milks and understanding the nutritional needs of children
  4. Planning and cooking a meal for a child, e.g. 2 snack or breakfast items


  • RO59:  NEA completed in Year 11

          Understanding developmental milestones, observing a child and planning play activities to stimulate development

  • Complete 3 observations of a child (age determined by exam board) in either physical, intellectual or social play activities
  • Planning a play activity to carry out with the child that further develops milestones

          Completed in the classroom within supervised time – 30% of the final grade.


For further information please visit the OCR website