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Lock down learning - parents' Guide to Home Life & Study

Tips for good routines for lock down learning :

  • students should be up at a reasonable time and working at their desks for a good part of what would be the school day.
  • They should be checking their e-mails in the morning and then perhaps once again later on.
  • They should also be logging on to  ClassCharts to access work their teachers have set. 

If your child is struggling with any of the above, please let me know and I will endeavour to help.

I am attaching a booklet written for parents and carers which offers advice on how to get the best out of studying at home.  I hope you find it useful - I think it is really sensible and reiterates the messages students are getting from school. I understand how difficult it is to keep children motivated; my son is studying from home at the moment and driving me mad as his head is forever in the fridge! 

Please don't hesitate to contact me at any time.

Jackie Cruse - Head of Sixth Form