2018 A Level Results

Congratulations to our wonderful Y13 students!
We are celebrating some incredible A-level results for our students. They have received some outstanding grades and they are a well-earned reward for their hard work and commitment over the last two years. The performance of the Sixth Form overall has improved significantly this year and we are so proud of the commitment to the highest standards from our students and staff. One in four of our students received 3 or more A*-B grades and over half received 3 or more A*-C grades. The number of students gaining AAB or better in the facilitating subjects that give them access to the top universities is now 5 times higher than two years ago. This improvement has been recognised in the university destinations for our young people. Two of our Y13s are heading off to Cambridge: Eve Johnson (1A* and 2A) to study History and Joe Uprichard (1A* and 2A) to study Law.
There were some outstanding individual performances including the following students who reached the exceptional standard of 3 top grades between A* and B at A-level - which is simply phenomenal!
- Louis Forshaw Perring 3A* and 1A
- Xanthe Kennedy 3A and 1A*
- Ruth Winkless 4A
- Joseph Torkington 2A* and 1A
- Daniel Clayton 2A* and 1A
- Judith Davies 1A* and 2A
- Alexander Todd 3A
- David Posnett 1A*, 2A and 1B
- Melanie Pattison 2A and 2B
- Daniel Taylor 2A* and 1A
- Jacob Whittaker 2A* and 1A
- Callum Beal 2A and 1B
- India Goddard 1A and 2B
- Ivan Holmes 1A, 2B and 1C
- Jessica Hurley 1A and 2B
- Austin Rolland 2A, 1B and 1C
- Joshua Stanway 2A and 1B
Headteacher, Mr Craig Yates, was delighted that the hard work and commitment shown by the students had paid off, “The new A-level courses were designed to be challenging and for it to be difficult to reach the highest grades. Our students and staff have met that challenge head on and produced some truly exceptional results and some great success stories. The school has been working closely with the UK’s top universities over the last few years to encourage more students to aspire to achieve their very best and is wonderful to see so many of them setting off on their next challenge. We couldn’t be more proud of them. Wherever they go, they leave with our best wishes and we will miss them.”
If you are a young person completing your GCSEs in 2018 and want to find out what Buxton Community School can do for you, we would love to show you what we have to offer at our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 11th October at 6pm.
What some of our students had to say:
- Dan Taylor, going to Manchester to study Business and Economics “I didn’t expect to do so well, I am buzzing”
- Lucy Ridgeway, going to Edge Hill to study Primary education “I am going to Edge Hill to study education and couldn’t be happier”
- Joe Torkington “I am so pleased! I am going St. Andrews to study philosophy”
- Eve Johnson, going to Cambridge to study history “I am delighted with my results and can’t wait to read history at Trinity Hall, Cambridge”
- Dan Clayton “I am going to Liverpool to study physics and I couldn’t be more pleased”