Y11 exam arrangements and other updates
Please see Y11 exam arrangement information below, along with other Y11 updates
Dear Parent/Carer
I hope you are well. I am writing to let you know about arrangements over the coming weeks as we move closer to Y11 sitting their final exams.
Arrangements - Exam Period Monday 16th May – Thursday 23rd June
Students will stay in school full time, attending their exams and lessons until Friday 10th June.
On Friday 10th June, all students have their English Language Paper 2 in the morning that will finish at approximately 10.35am. On this day, students will be permitted to go home to have a rest/continue their independent revision. The only exception to this will be the GCSE PE students who will stay in school as they will have a special PE Revision Session during P3, prior to their exam that they have that afternoon. They will be allowed to go home after the exam at approximately 2.20pm. If your child needs to remain in school on this day after their exam, please contact me at school and we can arrange this.
From Monday 13th June, students will attend all of their exams and their normal lessons where they still have an exam outstanding. If they have a lesson in their day where they have already sat the exam, they will be permitted to either go to the room where they would normally be timetabled to do independent revision or go off site (home) to study. If they are choosing to go home at points in their day it is important that they sign in and out at reception and use the College Road Gate. They will not be permitted to sit/wander anywhere else in school as we need to ensure our other year groups are able to continue their lessons without interruptions.
On Thursday 23rd June, the students will have their final exam (Physics) in the morning. After this exam, students will go to their normal P2 classroom. We will then start their Goodbye Celebrations in school which will include some time with their form tutor and a chance to come together as a year group to collect their hoody if they ordered one, sign shirts and take photos. We are expecting to say a final goodbye at College Road gates at 12.10pm.
We then have a few more important dates that you need to be aware of:
- BCS Sixth Form Taster Days – 27th June, 28th June, 28th June, 1st July (more info to follow from Miss Cruse)
- Y11 Prom – Friday 15th July (deadline for payment of tickets is Friday 27th May via Parentpay. Please contact me at school if this is a problem and I will do what I can to help.)
- Y11 GCSE Results Day – Thursday 25th August
I am conscious that this is a lot of information to take in and will therefore ensure this letter is available on the Y11 Padlet and the school website for the duration of the exam period. We would really appreciate your support in ensuring your child attends all of their exams on time, in full uniform and with the correct equipment. In school we will do everything we can to make the exam period as organised as possible to help your child feel calm and ready to do their best. If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing please contact their Tutor, Mrs Walters or me at school. We have every confidence that our Y11 students will face this next challenge with the resilience and positivity that they need to perform well!
Yours sincerely
Mrs Claire O'Brien - KS4 Director of Progress