School Prefects
Buxton Community School appoints a team of School Prefects each year to undertake various roles and responsibilities around the school, both during the school day and at extra-curricular events.
This is a perfect role for students in Year 11 who want to take on extra responsibility, extend their experience and provide themselves with opportunities which will support their applications to 6th form, college, university and to work. There is an expectation that the Prefect team are identifiable around the school by wearing a prefect badge and different coloured tie.
Our prefects are role models for other students: they set the example by being honest, approachable, and reliable. As leaders within the school, they commit to do their best for themselves and the school.
The application process requires students to complete a form explaining the personal skills and qualities they can demonstrate which would enable them to fulfil the role. Students are also asked what they would like to achieve as prefects. A team of 18 students have been selected from which a Head Boy, Head Girl and 4 Senior Prefects are chosen.
School Prefects 2024-2025
Head Girl and Head Boy
- Libby Taylor
- Adam Jones
Senior Prefects
- Luke Adkins
- Kiara Brooke
- Luke Crispin
- Tom Mycock
- Abigail Brown
- Meghan Campbell
- Rachel Cudahy
- Abi Greenfield
- Jasmine Hall
- Madeline Hill
- Liam Jones
- Lydia King
- Rosie Redfern
- Pheobe Shaw
- Zoe Wakelin
- Asha White