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Buxton Community School

Buxton Community School

Year 9 Options 2025

Please see below details of our 2025 Options process.

As part of this process we are giving the students an opportunity to do some taster session.   

Please see below the letter which was emailed out to Y9 parents/carers and the options booklet, which has been given to all Y9 students, can downloaded at the bottom of the page.


Dear Parents/Carers and Year 9 Students

We are now at the stage where your child is approaching the end of Key Stage 3 and therefore, we will be starting the Year 9 options process. Your child will be asked to select subject choices for the Key Stage 4 curriculum.  I will be delivering an assembly to all Y9 students to explain what the process involves. We are pleased to invite you and your child to our Y9 Options Information Evening on Wednesday 26th February from 5.15pm.   During the evening you will have the opportunity to speak to the subject teachers and I will be giving a talk explaining the options process as follows:

  • 5.30pm - parent/carer and student from each of forms 9BTS and 9WTH
  • 6.00pm - parent/carer and student from each of forms 9SCS and 9HDY
  • 6.30pm - parent/carer and student from each of forms 9FLR and 9GRD

All students will be required to follow the core curriculum of:

  • GCSE English Language
  • GCSE English Literature
  • GCSE Maths
  • GCSE Science (combined or triple)
  • Core Physical Education
  • Personal Development

In addition, students will be asked to select 3 further choices and must also choose 3 reserve subjects.

To support this options process, we offer a range of information, advice and guidance throughout the next half term. As well as discussions with their tutor and subject teachers, the following programme will take place:

  • w/c 20th January       Options assembly presentation for Y9 students.
  • w/c 27th January       Options booklet issued to students.
  • During February         Subject assemblies and the opportunity for taster sessions.
  • 5th February               Y9 Parents’ Evening on line
  • 26th February              Options Information Evening in school.
  • 3rd March                     You will receive a link via email to an electronic form for your child to make their option choices.
  • 21st March                    Option choices deadline.

Students should choose subjects that they enjoy, and subjects in which they can find success. The Parents’ Evening on the 5th February will be an opportunity to discuss progress in that subject and on 26th February you will have the opportunity to speak to subject leaders about their Key Stage 4 courses. 

Students, if you have a particular career in mind after you leave school, you must choose the subjects that will help you. Consider how each course is assessed and whether this plays to your strengths. However, you must be aware that it may not be possible to put some combinations on the timetable: there are limits to the number of rooms and teachers available at any one time.

We recognise that choosing options is a big decision for students and it is really important that they follow courses that are not only right but will also yield the best outcomes for them. Several staff and your child's class teacher will be looking at progress to date and supporting students and parents throughout the process. Inevitably, we do usually have some courses that don’t run due to viability.  It is essential that all students choose a reserve subject in each column as they may need to be placed on a different course due to over subscription.  It is important that this reserve subject is something that they are interested in and want to study.  During the process, we encourage students to keep an open mind and explore all options so they are as informed as possible.

Finally, remember that Key Stage 4 is not the final part of your child’s academic journey. We have a huge range of courses available in our Sixth Form.

We look forwarding to meeting with you on the 5th and 26th February.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Christina Warrington - Deputy Headteacher