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Buxton Community School

Buxton Community School


Head of Department: Lorraine Cushnie (


At KS3 we aim to give students a wide range of experiences through a variety of topics and stimuli to develop their skills as performers, theatre makers and critical audience.

Students will be formally assessed 3 times during the course of the year.  They will then be given the opportunity to reflect on their work and progress in Drama and will set a target to help them move forward and improve.  Students will also develop their ability to give peer feedback to improve their own and others’ work.

To support your child, you can talk to them about what they are doing in lessons, take them to the theatre or watch streamed theatre at home, help them with their homework or check their understanding of what they need to do.

The KS3 curriculum is currently in transition with changes being made to the schemes and when they are taught, therefore at the moment year 7 and year 8 are studying some of the same topics.


Introduction to Drama

In this unit students will learn the expectations for all future Drama lessons – lesson routines, how to work in a group and discuss work, and being respectful. They will also develop basic performance skills such as voice and physicality and learn about staging, still image and body as a prop.

Assessment will be on AO1 – group work and AO2 – baseline performance

Darkwood Manor

This unit looks at Mrs Brown’s attempts to sell her haunted house, Darkwood Manor, bringing to life local characters in the nearby village. The focus is also on how to create atmosphere and develop characterisation. Students will learn about soundscapes, mime, improvisation, thoughts aloud and lighting design.

Greek Theatre

In this unit students will learn about the conventions of Greek Theatre focusing on Choral and Mask work. They will learn about status, protagonist and antagonist through the Greek myths of Prometheus and Pandora.

Assessment will be on AO1 – group work AO2 – group performance

Treasure Island

During this unit students will explore elements of the story of Treasure Island, looking at extracts from a play adaptation. They will develop their characterisation skills and learn about character motivation and how to communicate this in performance. Techniques such as soundscape, body as prop, choral movement, hotseating and still image will be used in the exploration of the play and characters. Students will also learn about set design.

Assessment will be on AO1 – group work AO2 – group performance


In this unit students will develop their creativity, narration and storytelling skills.  This unit aims to bring together all the skills and techniques learned across the year into an extended devised performance as well as introducing new techniques such as slow motion, transitions and creative use of props and objects.


Commedia Dell Arte

Students will learn about the conventions of this commedic Italian theatre style. They will develop their physical character skills and status, learn about the importance of emotion in performance, clocking the audience, grammalot and stock characters.

Assessment will be on AO1 – group work AO2 – group performance

The Truth Is Out There

This unit looks at aliens and conspiracy theories in a lighthearted manner. Students will learn about different types of comedy such as character driven comedy and physical comedy while developing their own comedic skills. They will learn the techniques of marking the moment and cross cutting and develop soundscape and body as a prop.

Sparkleshark by Phillip Ridley

In this unit students will study Phillip Ridely’s play Sparkleshark. They will learn how to read a play script, interpret characters, realise stage directions through set design, directing and acting.

Assessment will be on AO1 – group work AO2 – group performance or set design

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Students will explore the story and characters of the Shakespearian comedy while learning about the theatre style Physical Theatre. They will explore the different worlds of the play – Athens, the Fairies, the Lovers and the Mechanicals and the role of sound design in performance.

Assessment will be on AO1 – group work AO2 – group performance


D.N.A by Denis Kelly

This unit focuses on exploring script. They will look at scenes from D.N.A, learning about character objective, given circumstance and sub-text and how they can be used to bring scenes from the page to the stage. They will also explore how to show relationships on stage. Students will learn about costume design.

Assessment will be on AO1 – group work and AO2 – group performance


In this unit students will leanrn about the theatre of Bertolt Brecht – placards, multi and split role, narration, song, gestus, props and costumes. These will then be apply to a modern adaptation of a fairytale that they will devise, deveoping their devising skills and group work.

Assessment will be on AO1 – group work and AO2 – group performance


Students will explore 2 Shakespeare plays, consolidating their learning from across KS3. They will consider plot, characters and different interpretations. They will then create a trailer for a Shakespeare play of their choice.  They will work as a company and take on one or two roles (performance, design, filming or directing) within the company devise, rehearse, design and record and film trailer.  This unit will allow all students to develop those transferable skills embedded in the subject – organisation, creativity, time management, teamwork, communication and planning while also developing their Drama skills.

Assessment will be on AO1 – group work AO2 – group performance or design  

key stage 4

Year 10






Group bonding & Baseline


Baseline Assessment


Interpreting Theatre - ‘The IT’ by Vivienne Franzmann

Students will learn about theatre design, directing and acting while preparing for their Year 11 written exam.
Component 3 Exam Practice
SPRING Students will continue to work on Interpreting Theatre - ‘The IT’. The will also study a piece of Live Theatre online, understanding and evaluating the decisions made by the designers, director and performers. Component 3

Exam Practice


Devising Theatre – Splendid Theatre

Students learn about the Brecht and Splendid’s theatre styles. They then create a devised performance around fairytales in this style.

They will also gain experience of the written Portfolio, logging their process.
Component 1 Devised Performance & Portfolio

Students will continue to work on Interpreting Theatre -

'the IT'.  They will also study a piece of Live Theatre online,

understanding and evaluating the decisions made by the

designers, director and performers,

Component 3 Exam Practice

Devising Theatre – Verbatim Theatre

Students will learn about the different types of Verbatim Theatre and current Verbatim practitioners. They will then devise their own Verbatim Theatre piece using past exam board stimuli.

They will be given another chance to practice a Portfolio and a written evaluation of their final performance.

Component 1

Devised Performance, Portfolio and Written Evaluation


Devising Theatre – Verbatim Theatre

Students will learn about the different types of Verbatim Theatre and current Verbatim practitioners. They will then devise their own Verbatim Theatre piece using past exam board stimuli.

They will be given another chance to practice a Portfolio and a written evaluation of their final performance.

Component 1

Devised Performance, Portfolio and Written Evaluation


Performing from a Text

Students will build on their scripted performance skills applying them to a play text extract.

Component 2

Scripted Performance

Devising Theatre

Students will begin to plan for their Component 1 devised performance and will be expected to carry out research over the summer holidays.
Component 1  
year 11


Devising Theatre

Students will work towards their Component 1 N.E.A devising their performance in their chosen style and completing their Portfolio and Evaluation.

The Final NEA assessment will be in November


Live Theatre – students will attend a theatre production that will be their Live Theatre production for their written exam. They will complete detailed notes on what they saw on all aspects of the production – design, directing and acting.

Component 1






Component 3

Component 1 N.E A (40% of the final GCSE grade)





Exam Practice


Performing From a Text

Students will work in small groups to prepare a scripted performance of 2 extracts from a play. This will then be performed in front of a visiting examiner at the end of February/beginning of March.


‘The IT’ - students will revisit the play and continue to explore it in preparation for their final written exam.

Component 2






Component 3

Component 2

Practical Exam





Component 3

SUMMER Interpreting Theatre - ‘The IT’ & Live Theatre Revision Component 3 Component 3 written exam - 1 hour 30mins