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Y9 Teenage Booster Vaccinations

The Y9 booster vaccinations will be done on the 31st March.  Please see below for full information

Dear Parents/Carers

YEAR 9 VACCINATIONS 31st March 2020

From September 2019 we will be using e-consent for the Teenage Booster, and Men ACWY vaccination programme.  We will be vaccinating girls and boys in Year 9. 

Please visit or    (for iPhone and Android’s with the “scan me” app) and click on the Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio, Men ACWY icon to complete the consent form.  The option to consent or decline the vaccination is at the end of the questionnaire so please complete even if you do not want your child to have the vaccination.

Your unique school code for Buxton Community School is DD112970

For more information about the vaccinations  in school please visit our website:

If you experience any problems, please call the School Age Immunisation Team:

Repton: 01283 707178

Clay Cross: 01246 252953