Y9 Options Event

We are pleased to launch our Y9 Options Event
Dear Parents/Carers
We are now at the stage where we will be starting our Year 9 options process and your child will be asked to select subject choices for their Key Stage 4 curriculum. We are pleased to launch this process with a Padlet which can be accessed by following this link - http://bit.ly/bcsoptions All the information needed for you and your child to make informed decisions about which GCSE and/or vocational courses to study, can be found within this Padlet. When moving around the Padlet, please be aware that you are able to scroll down to access information that sits below what is showing on your screen at any one time. It is important to note that a significant amount of video footage was shot prior to the Covid 19 pandemic, hence an apparent lack of social distancing.
All students will be required to follow the core curriculum of:
- GCSE English Language
- GCSE English Literature
- GCSE Maths
- GCSE Philosophy and Ethics
- GCSE Science (double or triple)
- Core Physical Education
In addition students will be asked to select 3 further choices. You will find an application form in the first column of the Padlet which we would like you to complete no later than 15th March. As explained in my video, option choices are not based on a first come, first served basis. The important message from us, is that your child selects subjects which they will enjoy, along with a reserve option for each of their three choices. Some courses have limited places, and some become oversubscribed. Your child must be prepared to study their reserve choices.
To support our options process, we will be holding a consultation event on Thursday 11th March from 4.30-7.30pm during which, Year 9 teaching staff will be available for you to talk with, to discuss your child’s suitability to study their subject at Key Stage 4. Staff that teach subjects that we only deliver at Key Stage 4 (such as Business, Psychology and Construction) will also be available. Please contact the school office on 01298 23122 to arrange the necessary appointments by 3.30pm on Monday 8th March. Please remember however that as you look through the booklet you will see there is a staff member mentioned as a contact at the bottom of each page and you are also welcome to email them with any questions. All staff email addresses can be found on the website on the staff team list, under the Our School tab.
Yours sincerely
Mrs S Jones
Deputy Headteacher