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Message from Mrs Jones

Please see below end of term message from Mrs Jones

Dear Parent/Carer

As we reach the end of another school year I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support. We recognise the real difference we can make for the students when we work in partnership with our parents and carers. I want to continue to grow this partnership with you as we move into the new academic year. It really helps when parents and carers support us with things like homework, reading for pleasure, uniform, mobile phone use and behaviour for learning. In return we understand the importance of listening to you and acting upon your thoughts and feedback. I want to further develop our communication with you, if you have any feedback on this, please let me know.

End of Term

We finish for the summer holidays on Friday 21st July at 1pm. Please contact Sandi Flint by phone or e-mail if you wish for your child to remain on site until the normal school closing time.

GCSE and A-Level Results Days

 We are extremely proud of our Year 11 and 13 students in terms of their conduct and approach during their examinations this summer. I am sure all their hard work will pay off and we will be able to celebrate with them on the result days in August:

  • Year 13 results day – Thursday 17th August 9-11am
  • Year 11 results day – Thursday 24th August 9 -11am

If your child would like someone to collect their results on their behalf they must write to myself before the end of term. Any results that are not collected on the day will be posted home.

New School Year

Students return to school on Wednesday 6th September at the following times:

  • Year 7 start at 8.50am and should meet their form tutor on the tennis courts
  • Year 8 -11 should be on site by 10.10am and students should head to their form rooms for a 10.15 start
  • Year 12 should meet in the study centre for 10.15 start
  • Year 13 should make their way to their form forms for a 10.15 start.

If your child is in Y8-11 and travels to school on the bus and will therefore arrive for the normal 8.50am start, they should report to the Learning Hub on arrival where they will be supervised until 10.15am.

Standard and Expectations

The Summer holidays are a time when some students express themselves in different ways, without the constraints of school standards. We ask that before the September return, hair that is dyed a vivid colour is returned to a natural look and excessive and brightly coloured nail extensions are removed, or of a suitable length and of a natural colour. In addition, please remember that jewellery is limited to a watch and studs only in ears. In accordance with Health and Safety regulations no other piercings are allowed, including lip, nose, septum and eyebrow. Please ensure these are removed prior to returning to school in September, should your child have a piercing over the Summer break.


I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you about the importance of attendance and punctuality and the impact we know they have on academic progress. Please take some time to reflect on the impact data shown in the table below. If you need help and support in getting your child into school, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Mrs Rawson, Mrs Hoyle, Miss Murray, Miss Simcock, Mr Hutchins and Miss Weston are leaving Buxton Community School this summer and I would like to thank them for the amazing job they have all done for our students. They will be very much missed and we wish them all the very best in their next adventure!

I would like to offer a warm welcome to Miss Berry (teacher of Science), Miss Grabowski (teacher of Maths), Mrs Priest (Head of Music) and Mr Raybould (Teacher of IT) all of whom will be joining the BSC Staff team from September.


The final newsletter of the year will be shared with all parents before the end of term. Please look out for it in your inbox as it contains additional and important information along with some fantastic updates in terms of all the amazing opportunities the students have been involved in this half term.

I hope you have a lovely summer and we are very much looking forward to working with you again in September.

Mrs Sam Jones - Headteacher