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Bursary Fund Information

A Guide to the 16-19 Bursary Fund.

The school will assess which students are eligible for the '16-19 Bursary Fund' based on the criteria and advice provided by the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).  This includes assessing the age of the student, the length of the course and additional criteria specified in the current ESFA guidance on vulnerable students’ eligibility for this bursary.

There are two types of bursary; the vulnerable bursary award which provides support for vulnerable students who are eligible according to the ESFA guidance.  The second is a discretionary bursary, and our criteria here in school is to support students who (a) are eligible for free school meals and (b) who also meet the other criteria as specified in the ESFA guidance.

The bursary fund is there to provide for vulnerable students:  this financial help provides for things such as transport, meals, books and equipment. As specified in the Education Funding Guidance "payments are for participation-related costs only".

The school works very closely with other agencies on behalf of vulnerable students to ensure that the bursary meets the needs of the student, and for those students who are assessed for eligibility of either award, this information remains confidential and known only to those who are involved in the administration of the bursary awards.

Our Bursary Policy and Application Form for 2024/25 are detailed below.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs McMillan, Head of School Business and Resources on 01298 212156.