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At Buxton Community School we believe that life in the Sixth Form is not just about academic study; it’s about you developing as a person by stepping outside your comfort zone, taking risks and experiencing something different. 

With this in mind, we offer a range of enrichment activities and volunteering opportunities for you to benefit from and these range from extra qualifications such as the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award, L2 First Aid and the Extended Project Qualification to the chance to get involved in the school and wider community by supporting younger students in their lessons, taking part in our be-friending service for older people and participating in sporting activities such as 6 a side football, table tennis, circuit training and 5k running.  Our annual Sixth Form camp at Gradbach is another example of how we ensure your time with us is fun.

At BCS Sixth Form, there is something for everyone to do to boost your skillset and CV and make your time with us enriching and rewarding.