We have now had two incredible years of BCSFest. Huge Congratulations to BCS PTA for these awesome events - to Claire Pickford for her vision and incessant drive and to the whole team for the incredible hard work that went in to putting on these fantastic days. Thank you also to our amazing students who helped in so many ways and to Mrs Reddy and our musicians who had a chance to show such a large crowd how talented they are. Mr. Moore's Artwalk provided an excellent opportunity for the community to be truly astonished by the high quality artwork produced by the BCS art students. The following pictures give just a flavour of the day - be sure to come along next year and join in the fun! If you are interested in learning more about BCS PTA, please contact Sandi Flint at school on 01298 212161 or email: sandi.flint@buxton.derbyshire.sch.uk